
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Gettin' Funky With Your Image Content


Leverage your brand personality portraits in more ways than one...



As I surf on the interwebs and scroll through various feeds, I run into my client's’ social pages, and see what they’ve been posting.

Although the entire point of working with me is to create brand personality portraits that will be used often, I always get a lil’ giddy inside when I see them actually using them in the ways that we discussed, :)

At the risk of sounding like someone I would make fun of for saying this, I feel like a proud, poppa bear, :)

What's even more interesting than that is when I see them taking their brand personality portraits and doing something completely different from what we discussed.

One client, Ted Rubin, a social marketing strategist, keynote speaker and brand evangelist, is a big-time poster.  

Honestly, I can’t keep track of how many times the man posts to his Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, but, it’s definitely more than once a day, seven days a week.

It would not be a stretch for me to say that he creates more content in one month than some people do in an entire year!

Since our lifestyle portrait session, I’ve watched Ted post one brand personality portrait after another, day-after-day, leveraging these compelling images by complimenting his thought leadership on marketing, branding and most importantly, building relationships.

Recently, I was scrolling through his Facebook feed and came across a unique post:

By creating a video comprised of brand personality portraits and animated text, Ted added a unique wrinkle to his content strategy and, in the process, created a compelling piece of content that was intended to amplify his intended message.  

I mean, it’s video — who the hell doesn’t click on videos that are staring at you directly in the face?  I know I’m not the only one!

Either way, checking out this video inspired me to share this with you in the hopes that you will create engaging content from your existing image content.  

Any ideas come to mind?  What other cool ways could you leverage your brand personality portraits in a social post?

PS - Having trouble coming up with these types of ideas on your own?  

Would you want help putting together a strategy that makes sense and prepares you for your next branded, lifestyle portrait session? 

Set up a time to chat with me here and let’s see if the Brand Image Elevation Plan is right for you.  I have a couple slots left this month, so, grab em before I get booked up!