
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Oh jeez - New Year's Resolution time...


Time to roll out the resolutions…


…are you going to give it an honest attempt this year?


So, this is the time of year where hope and change strongly perfumes the air, and everyone’s hopeful that things will get better for themselves, their families, their businesses and lives, overall.

And I say with a healthy dose of optimism, yes, go for it - make it happen! Live and grow in that change and show up in the world exactly the way you want.

Just don’t spend more time talking about it, rather than putting an action plan in place to make this happen, because, guess what, talking about it is NOT ENOUGH.

You know all those motivational quotes that you ingest everyday leading up to New Year’s Day, 2019? Well, those words aren’t going to leap out of the image and push you forward along your path of change.

It’s all on you, my friend.

So, if you are committing to making changes, then actually commit - don’t talk shit about it because it’s what everyone else does at this time of year, and their words fall flat the moment the champagne is all gone from the NYE party.

Surround yourself with folks who want nothing more than to move the needle of change in their lives, and you will build a strong community of advocates to help support you with your goals.

There is strength in a strong tribe, and it’s one of the things for which I am super grateful.

If you’re looking for an accountability partner to keep you honest and on the path, well, you got one in me, if you want!

My hope is to see you flourish in a way you never thought possible - because that’s where the magic is made, :)

I wish you all an amazing 2019 - that you follow through on whatever your resolutions may be and that achieving those goals brings you to a place of peace, love and joy, :)

Happy New Year.

PS - For those of you who aren’t in the know, I mail out these blogs 3x a week, and lemme tell you, they’re a real party, so, if you’d like to get in on this, sign up for it here and I’ll throw in a free gift for you, because I care, :)