
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

...and yet, I've done it...


How do you warm up to challenges in life?

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Jump right into it, or do you need some marination time to challenge the negative-self talk?


I’d definitely put myself in the latter category…

Ever since I jumped out the window by quitting my job and starting my photography business, I’ve encountered a wide variety of challenges at every turn...

...and believe me, this is something I never, ever wanted.

When it was suggested that I should ditch the jack-of-all-trades photography model and opt for niching my business to serve one specific group of people, I said ehh, that sounds like a terrible way to build a sustainable business…

...and yet, I’ve done it, and it’s opened me up to amazing opportunities while serving speakers, coaches and authors.

When I was told that I would have to step up my content creation game and post consistently and often, I thought to myself, psh, I’m not doing all that work, it’s not necessary for what I’m trying to do…

...and yet, I’ve done it, and that’s allowed me to inspire others to be more purposeful with their image content portfolios.

When I was told that I would have to organically engage people on social and develop relationships and connections with people I’ve never met in person, I said no thanks, that sounds like a complete waste of time and energy…

....and yet, I’ve done it, and this has provided me a wonderful opportunity to grow my community of like-minded and driven individuals.

When I was told that I would have to get in front of a room and share my expertise, I said nah, that’s not my thing, I have no desire to do that...

...and yet, I’ve done it, and by breaking this fear, which was the source of my poo-poo feelings on speaking, it’s opened me up to new possibilities to spread my message regarding branded lifestyle portraiture and content creation.

When it was suggested that I need to create multiple revenue streams in order to diversify my income and not just rely on taking photographs for a living, I said hell no, that sounds complicated and I want simple…

...and yet, I’ve done it, and despite the massive amount of work, it’s taught me quite a few lessons about life that extends far beyond the work.

I have at least 10 more examples, but, the point is that if you’re looking to build a business and grow as a human being, the only way that it’s going to happen is if you wholeheartedly accept the challenges that life throws at you.

I'm really grateful that I allowed myself the space to go out on my own and give myself the opportunity to build something that I was proud of, that I believe with every fiber of my being, every word that I say, every shot that I take, every insight that I have.

I'm grateful for every single bit of it.

I have no idea what my world will look like in five years, but for the first time ever,  I have a direction and a purpose that motivates me to keep working at every aspect of my business and my life. I have clear goals in mind, and I also understand that there will come a point where my goals will change, and I will be OK with that.

But the only way you will experience that is if you grow a pair, jump out the window, and work hard to make sure the chips fall exactly where you want them to. If you bob and weave, you’re setting yourself up for the same shit, day-after-day, with no potential to flourish in all areas of your life.

Keep that in mind the next time you find yourself bitching and moaning to yourself about how things aren’t going your way - ask yourself if you’ve been accepting the challenges or bobbing and weaving.

PS - For those of you who aren’t in the know, I mail out these blogs 3x a week, and lemme tell you, they’re a real party, so, if you’d like to get in on this, sign up for it here and I’ll throw in a free gift for you, because I care, :)