
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Character is what you do when no one is looking.


Character is what you do when no one is looking.


It truly represents who you are and how you respect others.


Trusted Leader was one of my most favorite book boudoir sessions to date. 

Between the layout, illustrations, pull quotes and section headers, I had a field day identifying all of the key elements to photograph for the image content portfolio. 

Aesthetics aside, there also was immense value shared throughout these pages, too, that got me thinking.

I found myself nodding in agreement when reading several key quotes and phrases shared within each chapter. 

And this particular quote:

Character is what you do when no one is looking…

…Inspired me to pause and marinate for a few moments. 

Am I someone who exhibits character when no one is looking? Or, am I falling short? 

After some deliberation, I assessed that while, generally speaking, I do, there is definitely room for improvement. 

In certain situations, I have been guilty of cutting a few corners and not putting my best foot forward in support of those I serve. 

That acknowledgement wasn’t exactly a warm and fuzzy moment, but it was an important one, nonetheless. 

It inspired me to be more intentional about how I operated behind the scenes, which, in turn, affects those who set foot in front of my camera. 

But, truthfully, this isn’t about the work specifically. 

This is about who I am and how I carry myself. 

Character is one of several guiding principles in my life. 

I’ve worked with plenty of folks for many years who operate without this in mind. And, in that time, I realized that I don’t want to ever be that type of person. 

Not because it will affect my business - I mean, it does, but that’s not the point - but because it will make me feel like a shitty person inside. 

I need to be able to sleep easily at night knowing that I put forth a solid effort, wire-to-wire, and regardless of the outcome, I didn’t play the game in a way that contradicts my stated values. 

The only person that can truly judge your motivations and effort is yourself. 

And for me, I always want to make sure that they’re above board and honest. I mean, who wants to work with shady folks that you can’t trust? 

This quote is an amazing reminder to be honest and open with myself, and when I’m dropping the ball, pick it up and be mindful not to drop it the same way again.

That’s why this quote lives on a wall in my apartment :)