
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

It's all about the groundwork


If you want to maximize the value of your branded lifestyle portrait session...

042319 PICZ - PORTRAITS-0057.JPG’s all about the groundwork.


How important is preparation to executing the services that you offer your clients? 

  • Do you simply wing it on stage during a keynote? 

  • Create the slides and workbook exercises for your in-person training on the flight to the event? 

  • Start writing a book with zero research, outline or rhyme or reason?

Of course you don’t.

You’re a professional who sets expectations and enacts a plan BEFORE you start to work on the task at hand. 

Having a plan in place is how you maximize results.

The same goes for creating a diverse and versatile collection of branded lifestyle portraits and other image content that you can leverage across your entire online presence. 

Investing in an image content portfolio is an investment of time and money, and it’s important to know what the objectives are beforehand.

This is why I have several strategy conversations with clients before we even think about placing them in front of my camera.

During a conversation I had with my client, Anthony Chaine, we talked about the strategy session we had prior to his session. 

To listen to his thoughts on how the strategy affected the outcome of his branded lifestyle portrait session, click on the video below:

Keep this in mind the next time that you look to update your image content portfolio. 

As you qualify photographers in your area, ask each of them if they include strategy sessions in their packages. 

If they don’t, it’s best to avoid working with them because that means they’ll be making shit up as they go, and your time is worth more than winging it. 

If you have any questions after watching this video, set up a time to chat with me and we can take it from there.