
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

How to combat short attention span-itis...


How to combat short attention span-itis...


Leverage the relationship between the visual and the written word


There is no doubt that we all suffer from short attention span-itis. I’ve recently noticed how bad into which mine has morphed.

The other night, I was on the couch with my television on but muted, my laptop was open to an article while my headphones were on as I was listening to a podcast.

And I was rotating my attention between the three. 

Ugh, that can’t be good, :(

Nevertheless, this type of A.D.D. is pervasive and systemic. As business owners, it is our responsibility to figure out how to work within this type of playing field. 

Is it easy? Hell no. 

But, there is fortunately some good news.

It is possible to gain the attention of those we serve, and it involves leveraging compelling and revealing branded lifestyle portraits. 

Rather than have me explain how, I’d like for my friend and colleague, Donna Cravotta, owner of Social Pivot PR, to explain:

Once you understand the power of the relationship between the two major marketing elements, your words and image content, that will give you the opportunity to create powerful online content.

This content will inspire your audience to stop the scroll, read what you have to say, and follow through on the call-to-action at the bottom of your story.

But, before we build any illusions of grandeur in your head about how you’re going to beat the algorithm with amazing online content, I have one question for you:

How is your image content portfolio looking these days? 

  • Are you happy with the lifestyle portraits and other image content within it? 

  • Do you look like the person in those photos, or are they a couple years old? 

  • How long before you run out of leveraging everything in there? 

  • Do you have diversity in outfits and activities from shot-to-shot? 

  • How about your facial expressions? Are you wildly smiling or looking badass in every photo, or is there a diversity in the emotional sentiments that your body language is giving off?

If you’ve left unsatisfied at your own answers, it’s time to think about updating your image assets. 

Don’t sweat it - I’m here to help.

Set up a time to chat with me and let’s see if we’re a fit to work together.