
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

[PODCAST] Leading behind the lens with Eddie Turner


Leadership is not just reserved for the stage or in front of the room…


..sometimes, it involves a camera in your hands, too :)


When you think of the word “leadership,” the word “photographer” doesn’t immediately come to mind.

But, from the moment a client reaches out to schedule a session, there is a heavy dose of it that’s involved from that moment leading to when the final photos are delivered.

And that’s exactly what I talked about with Leadership Expert, Eddie Turner, on his Leadership Excelerator Podcast.

During our conversation, we talked about a couple different topics, including:

  • The difference between regular photography and branded lifestyle portrait photography

  • The importance for Experts to take high quality, self-portraits

  • How other photographers need to see themselves as leaders, too

To listen to our conversation, check it out here

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