
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Happy clients are a businesses' best friend, :)


Stop tooting your own horn...


That’s what your happy clients are for, :)


What’s the one thing that you need before you make an investment in a service or product that will in some way benefit your life or business?


Assurances that product or service isn’t a steaming dumpster fire of bullshit, right?

Now, with every conversation and touchpoint that exists throughout your digital footprint, you’re working hard as hell to give your audience assurances that you are an expert who can solve their particular friction points.

But that’s not enough. 

You could stand on a street corner with a megaphone and yell about how amazing and life-changing your services are until you’re blue in the face…

...but, that’s not enough.

But, what if you had one of your clients stand next to you and join in?

Now that’s different.

How about if a couple more of your favorite clients join in with you? 

Now, that’s offering assurances to those who like what you have to say, how you say it and believe that you can help them. 

This is why over the past couple of months, I have spent time working on collecting testimonials and recommendations for my branded lifestyle portrait business.

As much as I like to wax poetic in an article like this, I understand that my messaging resonates with those I serve only so much before there needs to be an assurance that what I’m sharing is not total and complete horseshit.

One of my NSA NYC colleagues, Lou Diamond, created a wonderful service that serves to solve this friction point.

It’s called an Endorse-isode, which is a cross between a podcast and a testimonial.

They’re short and sweet - about 6-8 minutes - which is a good length to offer value from the mouths of those you serve, but also are short enough for people to engage without tuning out and doing a million other things on their phones.

Lou interviewed 5 of my clients, edited them down, and after he sent them over to me, I posted them on my website CLIENTS page. 

He also did a little number for me since he’s also my client, :)

If you’d like to give a listen, you can go to this page and the gang’s all there:

The Endorse-isodes are the top 6 on the page.

In addition to them, I also posted conversations I had with a couple of my clients. Those interviews are long-form as we break down their why, what and how behind their decisions to invest in branded lifestyle portraits for their businesses.  

After you check out the CLIENTS page, think about how you’re leveraging the words of your happy clients to promote your services. 

Are you doing enough? How can you do better? 

PS - If you find value in this blog, may I ask a favor of you? 

If you know anyone that would benefit from the words that fall out of my head and onto this screen, please encourage them to sign up for my list so they can receive some magic in their inboxes, too, :)