
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

[PODCAST] Talkin' bout strategy...


One of the most important aspects of a successful branded lifestyle portrait session has nothing to do with cameras, lights, and photo editing programs. 

It has to do with STRATEGY. 

Now, I talk incessantly about this topic to the many speakers, authors, coaches, and consultants that I serve, and I've written about it at least a million times because it’s THAT important to know going into a session.  

But recently, I had a chance to talk about this subject to a different audience - professional photographers. 

I was invited to speak to photographer and educator, Nathan Holritz, on his Bokeh Podcast, and we had a chance to dive into the power of effective strategy calls from the perspective of the person BEHIND the camera. 

We also talked about other photography-related matters, which is always a treat as I love to nerd out about the camera stuff, after all. 

To listen to our conversation, check it out here:

Also, please share this with the professional photographers in your world who photograph people just like you. I appreciate the effort in advance :)