
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Share your thought leadership


Share your thought leadership in a variety of ways


Consider the text-on-image, quote post as one of them.


One of the most versatile aspects of a branded lifestyle portrait session is the ability to leverage candid portraits that visually punctuate a wide variety of stories that you want to share with your audience to inform, entertain and inspire them into action.

And, when you incorporate important aspects of your thought leadership in the post, then, it becomes even more impactful - especially when the text is included in the image.

I am a big of the text on image, quote post.

I generally create and schedule about 8-9 of those types of posts per month because the message written directly on the image resonates more with the audience because they’re already looking at the image, so, the process of them digesting your message is much easier, and, depending on how the photo compliments the message, more impactful.

What makes me even happier than creating my own text-on-image posts is when I see my clients leveraging their branded lifestyle portraits in the same way.

Take this post from my client, Tricia, a nutrition and wellness coach:

When we talked during her pre-session, strategy call, we talked about capturing a wide variety of candid, lifestyle portraits of her specifically to be leveraged in this text-on-image type of way.

Recently, she’s been rolling out quite a few, and it’s been exciting for me to witness.  This particular one stood out to me because perspective and perseverance are two things I strive to achieve on a daily basis.

As a supporter of her work, that alone compelled me to click on the post.

The message that she incorporated here is directly in line with her nutrition and wellness methodology, and it’s presented in an eye-catching way, so that as her followers scroll through

their feeds, this type of image would capture their attention and have them invest the 30 seconds to drink in the image and caption.

With respect to the candid portrait that she chose to pair with this overarching message of resilience and mindset, her reflective and pensive expression visually punctuates the words that are placed on this photo and in the caption, thereby giving the entire post, as a whole, more punch and life to it.

How about you? Do you do the text-on-image thing with your branded lifestyle portraits? Not sure how to choose the right messages to share? Not sure how to create the artwork?

Well, I can help you with that.

I talk a lot about these types of social media content posts in my one-on-one, idea generation program.

It’s called the Idea Nugget Incubator.

In addition to teaching you the mental framework to rewire your awareness and be able to capture interesting moments, ideas and thoughts as they occur throughout your day, you’ll also learn how to chop up your thought leadership and serve it to your audience in bite-sized chunks of magic, like the way Tricia did in the above example.

Sound good?

If you’re interested in learning more about the Idea Nugget Incubator, you can check it out here.

Any other questions, gimme a shout and set up a time to chat about it.


PS - For those of you who aren’t in the know, I mail out these blogs 3x a week, and lemme tell you, they’re a real party, so, if you’d like to get in on this, sign up for it here and I’ll throw in a free gift for you, because I care, :)