
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Books, books and more books...


When updating your website, it’s not enough to invest in photos of yourself. Also account for all of the products and services you provide, too.

Recently, I was contacted by Elizabeth McCormick who was updating her website.

While she already had plenty of promo, lifestyle and stage photos, she was looking to create a portfolio of images that captured all of the printed materials related to her business.

And by printed materials, I mean a handful of magazines she’s been featured in and a LIBRARY of 18 books she’s written for those she serves.

Once I opened the box and saw all of them staring at me, my head exploded for a second as this was, by far, the most books I’ve ever photographed during a session. 

The good news was that Elizabeth did an amazing job prepping for the session by organizing them so that the books that needed to be photographed together wouldn’t get mixed in with the wrong titles.

If she didn’t do that, I’d still be frantically sorting them all, so this was a testament to why planning out everything with your photographer BEFORE the session is critical!

With that speed bump averted, the challenge now was to capture all of these books in a compelling way with as much visual variety as possible.

As a result, I spent a considerable amount of time surveying the space and visualized how I can use every available surface in the apartment to create the necessary visual diversity that this image portfolio needed. 

And then it was time to get to work.

After spending the better part of the day working through the shot list and sprinkling some salt, pepper and oregano on each image in post-production, we achieved the goal. 

The photos shared here are just a small sampling of the larger portfolio. 

Elizabeth and her design team have a wide variety of images that they can leverage across her website that truly showcases how she helps solve her client’s problems. 

The next time you plan to renovate your website, don’t forget to add photos that also showcase your books and other printed materials connected to your business, as they are an important piece to the puzzle of how you serve your people.