
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

It's not just about the cover...


While capturing photos of your book cover and spine are critical visual assets when marketing your book launch, they’re not the only ones that can help lend a hand.

After all, you can’t simply judge a book by its cover, right?

It’s the meat and potatoes between that cover that count most as that’s where the transformation for readers lies.

That’s why during every strategy call I conduct with book boudoir clients, we dive into the way their framework is being shared.

While strategizing with Michael Bungay Stanier about his new book, How To Work With Almost Anyone, he mentioned that there was a specific section in the book that outlined his 5 Questions of the Keystone Conversation…

…a critical component to the book, overall.

As a result, I made a note to capture those specific section headers during the session.

These images are valuable assets as they give him an opportunity to elaborate on them in the captions of the posts he creates to help promote the book.

It not only serves as inspiration for potential readers to hit the BUY NOW button because it previews the type of specialized transformation that exists in the book, but it also offers them immediate value that they can implement into their lives right then and there.

Not a bad way to give your audience a chance to preview the book in their hands through their eyes :)

When looking to hire a photographer to capture compelling, high-quality photos of your book, be sure to point out the important sections and chapters that illustrate the level of transformation that it offers so that your photographer can account for them in the image portfolio you use to promote it.

Yes, the cover and spine are the sizzle - but don’t forget to allow your audience a chance to get a glimpse of the steak, too.