
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Beyond the usual suspects...


Once the book launch is done and all of the content has been shared, photos of your book have no use for you anymore, right?


Authors have myriad digital platforms at their disposal to share their book photos to continue to draw interest to the title beyond simply refreshing what they have on their website and share through social media content.

These opportunities allow authors to reach out to a wider audience, engage them in meaningful ways and foster a deeper connection.

Email Newsletters

An often underestimated platform, email newsletters can be a powerful tool.

Sharing your book photos with insightful and compelling stories not only piques the interest of your dedicated readers but also adds a visual charm to your emails.

Besides, it's a more personal way to reach out, maintaining momentum for your work among your email subscribers.

Guest Blogging or Podcasts

Sharing your book photos in a guest blog or during a podcast interview allows you to tap into an entirely new audience.

Use your book photos as a part of the content, either as illustrations for the blog or as visual snippets to be shared on the podcast's promotional channels.

This not only broadens your reach but also provides a new context for your book photos. And, photos of the book are a nice changeup from simply submitting portraits of your face.

Social Media Collaborations

Team up with bloggers, influencers, or other authors on social media.

You could do a photo exchange, host joint live sessions, or participate in online book club meetings.

Sharing your book photos in these collaborative spaces gives them a new life and brings your work to the attention of potential readers who are part of these communities.

Remember, the objective is to ensure your book photos are seen, engaged with, and shared widely.

By exploiting these opportunities strategically, you can ensure your book resonates with readers far and wide, and possibly inspires them to hit the BUY NOW button.