
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Choosing the RIGHT photos for your website


How do I pick the RIGHT photos for my website?

For many experts, the idea of selecting photos for their website banners, sidebars, sales landing pages, and other areas of their site can become a confusing and frustrating endeavor. 

The best place to start is by abiding by one important rule:

Allow the website copy on each page to dictate the types of photos you use on those individual pages. 

If you’re talking about your speaker titles, topics and descriptions on the speaker page, then show viewers what it looks like when you’re speaking in front of the room. 

When talking about your coaching and/or consulting services on those specific pages, add in images of what it looks like when you’re working with clients in those capacities. 

And, the same goes for all of the pages that make up your website. 

You don’t want to distract from the copy with images that are ill-fitting based on the activity captured in the photo. 

Leverage your image content in a way that compliments and punctuates the sentiments of the words that you share. 

When you do that, it’ll keep potential clients viewing your site engaged and interested to learn more about how you can help solve their problem. 

The photos then give them a bird’s eye view of what working with you looks like, which goes a long way to helping them visualize them in your world. 

And once they start to visualize it, that helps lead them towards a buying decision. 

Before the next time you step in front of a camera, think more critically about what types of photos make the most sense for your website. 

During the pre-session strategy call, talk to your photographer about the different aspects to your business and brainstorm ways to capture photos that illustrate what they look like in a real-world, working scenario. 

That will go a long way to helping you build not only a portfolio of professional quality images, but a purposeful one that can be directly plugged into your website. 

What are your thoughts, questions and takeaways? Please share in the comments below.