
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Loneliness factor


Traveling for work is a blessing…


…and a curse.


Recently, I’ve found myself much more frequently in airports and different parts of the country.

Now, this is not a post ranting about the decline of airline travel…that’s a dicey can of worms that I’m not interested in opening right now. 

Instead, I’d like to focus on how super grateful that I’m in this position and love the collaborative work in which I’ve been involved. 

But, there is one consistent drawback to constant traveling for work:

The loneliness factor.

During my downtime in between sessions, I’ve found myself on several occasions getting hit hard with the lonely vibes and it’s been tough to shake. I sometimes get whipped up to the point that I question why I’m doing what I do in the first place.

So it gets a lil’ dark inside this head of mine from time to time - and the love for the work isn’t enough to immediately shake the blues.

As a way to get around it, what do I usually do?

Find a bar, open a tab and do work. 

While that does tend to break the sadness, I also realize that that’s not exactly the healthiest way to combat these feelings. 

It’s simply kicking the can down the block for another day. 

So, I’m actively seeking healthier ways to be more present and mindful and not biding my time in between shots by filling it with more work. 

And that’s where you come in…

The seasoned, road warrior, speakers who have years of experience dealing with the planes, trains and automobile life. 

What do you do when you’re out and about in the middle of nowhere to get past your sense of loneliness when you’re not on the clock?

  • Read?

  • Plan excursions into the towns and cities to check out the sites?

  • Engage random folks at coffee shops?

  • Meditate? 

What is your self-care plan? 

I’d love to hear about it in the comments as I’m gearing up for another busy stretch of lyfts, airplanes and hotel beds. 

I thank you for sharing your best practices in the comments in advance.