
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.



Why do I have such gratitude for serving Experts?


It’s because they #sharemagicalideas.


When I quit my job in television, I was a bit lost with the next steps. 

Actually, if I’m being honest, I was scared shitless about the next steps. 

I had no idea what I was doing, where I was going, or even where to start. I was a loosely unwound ball of nerves 24/7 - and boy did it suck :) 

But over time, I got my bearings and started to figure out how I wanted to serve others with my photography. I found out about this group of people that make a living speaking from stages and in front of the room. 

I was intrigued, not only because I had zero idea that such an industry existed outside of the celebrity speakers I’ve seen or heard about on television and radio, but also because there were experts who spoke on EVERY SINGLE TOPIC imaginable. 

And not only do they speak on these topics, they are experts who’ve spent years researching and applying their experiences to the stuff they talk about. 

They specialized in solving highly specific problems that some people face and are looking to get over the hump. 

Wow, how cool is that? 

Now, I came from an industry that profited from the salacious and scandalous aspects of people’s lives, so making a living while solving people’s problems through speeches, workshops and online courses was all new to me. 

But, once I dipped my toe into the Exert-based business industry, I knew I wanted to dive in, head first, and swim in that pool for as long as I can. 

After all, they get to share magical ideas that create a win-win for them and those they serve.

And that’s why I’ve stayed in this lane for the past couple years. 

It’s also why I was inspired to start my blog on August 1, 2017. I wanted to follow suit and share valuable insights and strategies that can help speakers at any stage in their career to understand the value of compelling visual storytelling to help position them as the authority in their space. 

I can tell you that there are days - many days - where I’m being a lazy ass and not inspired to write. 

But when I think of the folks I serve, and all the articles, keynotes, trainings and books they’ve written, I stop the bitch and moan session and get to work. 

Compared to that mountain of work, I have literally nothing to complain about. 

It’s the least I can do for an industry that has provided me an opportunity to be able to make a great living at something that I’d do for free. 

As a result, I am inspired and compelled to return the favor in any way that I can, , for now, is through sharing teachable moments through storytelling. 

I use the hashtag, #sharemagicalideas, as not only an acknowledgement of the transformational work my people deliver to those they serve, but it also serves as a reminder to me to follow suit and share what I’ve learned along the way to help solve experts problems around visual storytelling. 

So when you see this hashtag at the bottom of every post I share, now you know why it’s there :)

Hashtag or no hashtag, it’s a pretty magical loop of reciprocity - and it’s one that I am forever grateful for.

#sharemagicalideas :) 

Over to you…

Why are you grateful for the people you serve? How have they helped you live a life fulfilled? Please share your story in the comment section below.