
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

There’s more to content creation than content creation.


There’s more to content creation than content creation.

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It simply involves a subtle mindset shift and off you go!


I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this before, but just in case you haven’t - content creation is an important piece to your online marketing strategy. 

It’s an integral part of your online presence because it helps your audience qualify whether or not you’re A) the solution to their specific challenges, and B) the type of person they like and want to work with, in general. 

Regardless of the value, how many of you avoid creating new content as if your life depended on it? 

I get it - it can be a real pain in the ass. 

I had issues being consistent with my frequency and messaging, too. 

For years. 

And then, one day, with the help of a consultant who pointed out how much my inconsistency was hurting my marketing efforts, I ripped off the band-aid, and before you knew it, I’ve created over 300 articles in 3 years. 

Is it as easy as flipping a switch? 

Hell no. That band-aid hurt like crazy!

But, a mindset shift based on the benefits of writing consistent content was what made all the difference in the world. 

And I’m not talking about the benefits mentioned above. 

I’m referring to the intangible benefits.

Yeah, I didn’t realize there were intangible benefits until I started to be more purposeful with my effort. 

When I started taking into account these added bonuses, it raised the value of the process tremendously and that catapulted me into a regular writing schedule that I’ve followed for years. 
It’s Cathartic

To sit down and sketch out all of the random insights that circulate my mind on a 24/7 basis is a very freeing and empowering exercise. 

Once the thoughts are out of my head and staring back at me, a calm washes over me - most likely due to a sense of relief because I was quick enough to get the words written down before I forgot them!

Granted, much of what I write never makes it online, but the process of working through random thoughts is satisfying on it’s own merit. 

I would also add here that this catharsis simply isn’t present when only writing content - it’s there when I’m just free writing what’s on my mind, in general. 

The first thing I suggest to anyone who’s going through a rough patch emotionally is to sit down at some point during the day and jot down whatever is bothering you in order to dispel many of the worry thoughts based on their irrational assumptions. 

But when those written down thoughts lead to profound pieces of content, it’s the icing on the cake, :)

Work out new material

For some folks, they approach creating content as if it’s a keynote presentation in front of a thousand people and televised LIVE across the world. 

It has to be meticulously worked over until it is a finely tuned machine. 

And it’s that approach that prevents them from picking up the pen in the first place.

If you’re one of these people, I invite you to approach content creation with a completely different lens. 

See your content creation efforts as a constantly evolving, work-in-progress rather than a final destination. And be okay with that.

It’s okay that ideas will change over time. 

It’s okay that your opinions of certain stances you take today will change tomorrow. 

It’s okay to publish something that might be insightfully rough around the edges.

Remember one thing: although you’re familiar with every consonant and vowel that you’ve written, NO ONE ELSE on the planet is. 

And if they are, they’re not going to hold it against you. And if they do, then they clearly aren’t your people and not a fit.

You’re a human being - we grow and change daily. 

This realization will relieve a massive amount of friction and will unlock your mind in a way that will encourage curiosity and exploration for new insights to share.

It will also inspire you to revisit various conversations and interactions with clients in a way that sparks new insights and teachable moments that you share with those you serve.

And this new material that you share in blogs and social content will be in play for every other marketing endeavor you partake. 

I’ve leveraged insights created specifically for my online content in online presentations, podcast appearances, conversations with colleagues and partners, and exploratory conversations with potential clients. 

When you approach creating content as an exercise in working out new material, you’re free to connect dots that originally didn’t line up before.

Give yourself permission to play and the benefits will follow.

Build Positive Momentum

In this pandemic era, we’re all looking for a positive shine on our day from time to time. 

It’s easy to fall victim to all the sideways, upside down activities of the world, and even easier to fall into a depressive state because of them. 

We all need the occasional win wherever we can find it.

Writing a solid article or social media post can represent one of those wins for you.

Think about it: you’re flexing your creative muscles in a way that adds value to your people. You’re creating a win for everyone involved.

The moment you hit the POST button, that immediately injects a nice dopamine rush coursing through your body. And that rush leads to building momentum.

I don’t know about you, but the moment that I accomplish one thing, especially a task I find challenging, I want to jump right back on the horse and tackle something else. 

You can leverage that momentum to accomplish a wide variety of other business and life-related tasks. 

Take advantage of this positive emotional capital in a way that benefits your own emotional state as well as those you serve.

Creating new content for the sake of checking a box on your to-do list is a waste of time and effort. 

Don’t do that. 

Leverage your time in front of the computer creating in a way that establishes your expertise, and opens the door to your audience so they can get a sense of who you are, who you serve and why you do what you do.

And, in the process, benefit yourself in a variety of magical ways, :)