
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Setting a major intention on my birthday...


Yesterday was my 45th birthday. 

Reading that number freaks me out a bit, if I’m being honest.

Regardless of the sticker shock, this birthday is one of the most significant that I’ve had in recent years. 

Not because it’s a significant number on its own merit. It’s because of the significance that I’m attributing to it. 

You see, within the past few months, I’ve been thinking a lot about the future - specifically, the future of the shape and scope of my business. 

In that time, I realized that rolling around on the floor and capturing photos like a crazy person is not a forever thing. 

My body has taken a beating over the past 2+ decades shooting video and photos. While I absolutely am in love with how I serve my people, the wear and tear from the effort is already getting to me. 

That’s a fact.

That means I have only so many more years of being able to light a room on fire and create magical photos. 

As a result, I need to have a plan in place to monetize my expertise and experiences. 

That’s why I’ve set an intention that by my 50th birthday, I want to create a business that’s solely based on non-shooting products and services. 

While I’ve been kicking around a bunch of ideas over the past few months in the portrait/live event photographer and speaker spaces, the truth is that I have absolutely no clue where all of this will lead right now. 

It’s overwhelming, confusing, frustrating…basically, it feels like an impossible mission.

But I’m grateful to be surrounded by some amazing colleagues and mentors that can help shepherd me along the way as I continue my path towards the goal. 

While I’ve recently blown past my birthday without giving it too much attention, this one stands out above the rest based on my 5-year plan.

Wish me luck as I figure out what the hell that plan is…