
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

How old is that brochure?


When updating your online marketing assets with high-quality visuals…


…don’t forget the offline, printed stuff, too!


While at a recent conference, I saw something that captured my attention…but not in a good way. 

As I walked over to the exhibit area, I noticed a lot of what you typically see at these events - monitors with promo videos on an endless loop, swag with logos plastered all over them, and candy…

…what is it with the candy? Another question for another time… : )

Anyway, for most of the exhibitors, they also had a slew of printed materials sitting at the foot of their tables. 

At one table in particular, I noticed a brochure that had a photo of the person sitting behind the table… but there was a problem:

The photo looked like it was taken over 10 years ago.

It looked like a photo of his son was on the cover of the brochure, and the father was working the booth - but it definitely was the same guy!


If I were someone who had interest in this expert’s services, and while in mid-conversation I noticed this brochure with a clearly outdated photo of it, that would’ve affected my opinion of him. 

It would’ve made me question his integrity and confidence in himself.

Why is he using clearly outdated photos? Is he insecure about how he looks? If so, what else is he insecure about? Does he actually believe the words that come out of his mouth, or is he just trying to put on a show and sell, sell, sell? I don’t know if I can trust the guy…

It happens that quickly. 

A prospect can go from white hot to cold in a matter of seconds the moment they get a whiff that something is off in the way you present yourselves to them. 

We’re all being sold minute-by-minute, and most of us - if not all - hate being sold to.

When making a buying decision, our brain defaults to finding ways to say NO to the purchase. 

And, what might seem to some as a minor and inconsequential detail, can, for others, become the nail in the coffin to hammer down a swift and definite NO. 

As a result, all of the marketing assets you leverage, whether digital or printed, need high-quality visuals that aptly represent who you are TODAY so as not to create any level of doubt or uncertainty in the minds of potential buyers and clients. 

If you give them a reason like that to say no, guess what? They will walk away and forget about you the moment they do. 

Long story short, the next time you plan to exhibit your expert-based business at a conference or Expo, be sure to update your printed materials with visual assets that show off how you look today. 

It could make the difference. 

Now, when it comes to your image content, do you have up-to-date photos to update your printed materials? Or, are you staring at the same old and tired photos from a day gone by?

Set up a time to chat with and let’s see if we’re a fit to work on that problem together.