
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

How do you inspire your audience to care about you?


How do you inspire your audience to care about you?


Well, I’m not going to tell you here - read on if you’re so interested, :)


Undoubtedly, my primary - and most important - way that I serve the speaker, author and expert-based business owner communities is through the work that I do behind the camera. 

But the value doesn’t stop there. 

I’m constantly brainstorming ways to translate my expertise in visual storytelling for my audience in a way that creates immense value before they set foot in front of the camera and after the session is concluded. 

It’s a never ending process - one that I’ve grown to enjoy since I started writing this blog.

Rather than simply rely on Google to give me direction with how I should shape the information that I share with you, I ask my clients, colleagues and mentors a lot of questions.

It’s a lot easier - and more relevant - than shuffling through the 9 million search responses Google throws at me anytime I ask it a question, :)

During a recent conversation with a speaker colleague, I asked her what would be the one thing that she’d want to learn from me in regards to visual storytelling.

She responded that she wanted to know about the types of portraits that sell her business to her audience. 

So naturally, I wrote an article about it.

But after I finished that piece, I thought to myself that I still had a little more in the tank in terms of what I wanted to say on the matter. That inspired me to dive a little deeper into that particular conversation.

What resulted from that dive deep into the rabbit hole was the creation of a resource guide for those I serve.

It's called Expand Your Personal Brand And Bottom Line With Persuasive Visual Storytelling.

The long and short of it is this: in order to persuade your audience to want to get to know you more, share image content that creates an emotional connection with them.

And this resource guide lists a variety of ways to create that emotional connection.

For those of you who are already receiving my weekly blogs and are interested in checking out the resource guide, respond to this email and I will send a downloadable link directly to your inbox.

For those of you who are stumbling on the post and aren’t on the list, here is a signup link to get your hands on the guide.

As I mentioned before, I’m constantly looking to learn how I can help, so as you read the resource guide and any questions come up, please share them in the comments section of this article.

If all your questions are answered, awesome! What are some of the more valuable takeaways you have from the resource guide? Please share those in the comments section, as well.

I look forward to reading your magical questions and responses, :)