
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Protect your attention and focus


In such a noisy world, how does anyone get anything done ever?

NYC branded lifestyle portrait speaker consultant Maiko Sakai smiling while working on computer

Set an intention to protect your attention and focus.


We have limited bandwidth, use wisely.

In a world where we’re pulled in 750 directions in the span of mere seconds, be protective of your energy, motivation and focus. 

If you say you’re going to do something, support that decision by setting yourself up to complete that task. 

Put the phone on airplane mode.

Close all other browser tabs so you can focus on the one thing that you want to get done at that moment. 

Place yourself in a space and place that is conducive to work - your office, a shady spot in a local park, your fire escape (that’s one of my go-to spots) - wherever works for you. 

Eliminate decision fatigue by putting other matters to the side and be present with the one thing that’s staring you in the face right now. 

Multi-tasking, I’m sorry to say, is a myth. Your brain cannot work on multiple projects at the same time at 100% each. 

Long story short, you’re cutting corners by doing this - so don’t bother. 

Placing your energy at one specific task - whether it’s cleaning out your email inbox, writing a piece of content, preparing for an upcoming webinar or hopping on a call with a potential client - one at a time is the way to go.

The hard part isn’t the ribbon cutting ceremony at the conclusion of the project, it’s getting off your ass to pick up that shovel and start digging that hole in the first place.

Be purposeful with your time and effort or your day can go sideways in no seconds flat. 

If you’re not careful, you’ll end up spending hours going down an indulgent and useless social media rabbit hole that leaves you deflated and defeated...and potentially pissed off at someone for something they wrote or said.

When you develop an awareness of the importance of protecting your attention, that will go a long way to helping you get past the speed bump of breaking ground on a new task or project. 

The cool part?

When it’s over, you feel a sense of accomplishment that will create positive momentum and help fuel more productivity for the day.

For example, I’m feeling accomplished that I just got to the end of this post, and guess what? I’m motivated to write another one. 

So, lemme get to that, :)

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