
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

“I don’t know what to post on days I haven’t done any client work.”


“I don’t know what to post on days I haven’t done any client work.”


A very common sentiment I’ve heard clients share with me revolves around this idea, and it’s something that I work very hard to get out of their heads.

This thought creates a mindset that doesn’t serve them to get their thought leadership out into the world.

Besides, who says you can only create social media content when you’re busy with client work?

Truth be told, if I created social posts on only the days that I’ve worked with clients, I’d have an extremely inconsistent feed, because my client shoots are spread throughout the month and not scheduled every single day.

So, here’s what I do:

When an idea nugget - an interesting sentence, theme, turn of phrase, or full-blown idea - strikes me, regardless of where I am or what I’m doing, I write it down in the Notebooks App on my phone, and then go about the rest of my day.

Over the course of a couple weeks, I write down a slew of various idea nuggets, and I know that they’re waiting for me when I sit down to create new content - one, new social post per day and three blogs per week.

When I make time for content creation, which is generally when I’m not booked for any client work, I don’t just focus on the day ahead, I focus on a month of content at a time, and schedule everything

That way, when I get a month ahead on my posts, I don’t have to stress content creation when I’m slammed with client sessions.

Don’t wait to be busy to create and post content. Load up on creating posts when you’re not busy, so that when you do get slammed, no big deal, you’re already covered.

An additional, intangible benefit to creating social content during your down time is that by giving yourself some creative work, that keeps you busy and moving forward, preventing your brain from going to the dark side, where all worry about not booking clients goes to play.

As an entrepreneur, you already know about the mental jujitsu you need from day to day in order to maintain a healthy and positive attitude.

By keeping active with writing content to post, you’re not only taking actionable steps to promote yourself in order to expand your visibility on social, but, you’re blocking out negative, mind chatter through your effort.

If you’re in need of some inspiration to help get your writing habit up and running, I invite you to sign up for my blog where I constantly share ideas that will help you generate stories that will deeply resonate with your audience.

It’s a magical read, I promise, :)