
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

An unexpected Spring cleaning


It all began with the simple idea of finding a better lighting solution for the desk in my home office.

I wanted lights that could not just illuminate the desk to work, but also double as lighting for video content shot in the space.

I found what I was looking for, installed them, and then…

This seemingly small decision ignited a several week, whirlwind journey of reorganization and transformation throughout my entire apartment.

Funny how a spark ignites a flame, right?

Over several weeks, I found myself immersed in a project far bigger than anticipated, replacing old furniture, tossing crap that had more dust on it then I’m prepared to admit to, reorganizing the layout of some of the rooms and saying goodbye to 9000 pounds of camera equipment that hasn’t been used in years.

Truth is, I should’ve never bought half that stuff to begin with, but you live and learn.

In either case, this extensive cleanup turned out to be more than just a physical overhaul - it breathed new life into my apartment.

Now, it feels completely rejuvenated, almost brand new, and that’s influenced my mindset dramatically.

The refreshed environment has inspired a surge of creativity, and I’m excited for the future, which is key right now as I’ve been spending a lot of my non-shooting time working on the next steps of my business.

Something tells me that my gut was urging me to get off my ass and freshen up the place.

The changes have motivated me to think more clearly and intentionally about where I want to go, rather than be mired in what I’ve done and where I’ve been.

I don’t know it to be true, but perhaps there really is something to that.

Regardless, this whole experience reminded me of the profound impact our surroundings have on our mental and creative well-being.

When was the last time you dedicated effort to revitalize your space?

Reflect on how such changes could potentially transform your outlook on life and business, encouraging a fresh wave of inspiration and motivation.

You might need it more than you realize.