
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Who cares if you're the GOAT?


In today's world, the debate over who is the Greatest of All Time, or GOAT, spans across all fields - business, sports, entertainment, and even personal achievements.

This preoccupation with determining the ultimate best in every field has diluted the significance it seeks to elevate. It has transformed into a distraction from the real competition that merits our attention—the one with ourselves.

Why are we so fixated on comparing legends across different eras and fields, often leading to endless, subjective debates?

The true measure of greatness isn't about outshining everyone else, but about surpassing our previous selves. It's about the journey of becoming a little bit better every day, not just in our professional lives but in all aspects of our being.

This recalibration towards self-improvement as the ultimate metric of success encourages a more meaningful and fulfilling pursuit of excellence.

Rather than getting caught up in any form of a GOAT debate, we should focus on personal growth and continuous improvement, and appreciating that evolution in others.

Imagine shifting the narrative towards celebrating personal milestones and embracing the process of learning and growing. This approach not only moves us away from the futile cycle of comparisons - comparisons that never can be truly settled based on all of the shifting variables across time and space - but also aligns our endeavors with a more fulfilling definition of success.

In this perspective, the question of who the GOAT is becomes irrelevant, replaced by a more empowering inquiry:

How can I surpass my past achievements?

This mindset liberates us from the confines of comparisons and guides us towards a legacy of continuous improvement.

Being your personal best, not being better than everyone else, is the true victory.