
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Compliment your voice with the voices of those you serve


As experts who speak, write books, coach or consult, your expertise is your bread and butter.

It's what draws people in and shows which problems you solve for them.

As a result, your content revolves around your thoughts, methods and experiences. But, if the stream of information is coming only from your voice, that’s a problem.

You’re not allowing your clients to speak about their experiences on your behalf. Here’s why testimonials matter:

Social Proof

When prospects are assessing your services, they're wondering if your solution works for them.

Sure, they value your insights, but they're genuinely interested in real-world results. By showcasing testimonials or case studies, you answer this question.

It’s an endorsement that’s more powerful than any pitch. Think about it, what’s more convincing? “I can transform your business,” or “THEY transformed my business. Here’s how.”

A Different Perspective

The beauty of client experiences lies in the diversity they offer. Each story is unique. Every journey is different.

These narratives can shed light on facets of your services that even you hadn’t emphasized enough. Maybe it’s your hands-on approach, your ability to demystify complex concepts or the safe space you create.

When a client highlights these inadvertently, it adds a fresh dimension to the perception of value your products and services provide those you serve.


Your content needs diversity. Just as your keynote needs highs and lows, your content can't be monotone.

Integrating client stories breaks the rhythm, making your audience sit up and take note.

When they constantly hear your voice, there’s a chance it becomes white noise. But intersperse that with genuine, heartfelt client narratives, and suddenly, there’s a change in tone.

While sharing your expertise is the core of your content, it's the impact you've had on others that solidifies your value in the eyes of those you serve.

As the digital realm gets noisier, striking a balance between your voice and those you've transformed becomes not just good strategy, but essential storytelling.

They're not just testimonials - they're proclamations that you’re worth the investment.