
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

More to virtual event photos than selling virtual events.


Yes, virtual event photos help sell you as a virtual event presenter…


but, understand that there’s more juice to that squeeze.


Before the shitstorm of the century occurred across the world, I obsessively harped on the importance of facial expressions in order to illustrate your personality in your image content. 

These facial expressions are valuable in not only offering the audience a chance to qualify your personality to see if they’d like to get to know you better, but they also visually punctuate the sentiment of the stories you’re sharing with them.

And guess what? That need still exists right now. 

In an era where investing in a branded lifestyle portrait session is not possible, speakers, authors and other expert-based business owners need to get creative in how they generate new image content. 

And that’s where virtual event photos come into play.

Now, you might be thinking, “what good are these photos beyond leveraging them to sell my virtual presentations?”

Yes, while these images were taken during a virtual presentation of some kind - webinar, one-on-one conversation, panel, etc - they all have value beyond being simply used as image assets to promote being booked for online talks.

Why do I say that?

Because expression and body language of any kind helps in creating persuasive visual storytelling for every story that you want to share with your audience. 

Think of it this way; when it comes to the traditional event photos that you shared prior to the pandemic, did you simply leverage those wonderful and powerful images of you doing your thing to promote upcoming talks? 

Or, did you leverage the energy and emotional sentiment you conveyed on stage for more storytelling options? Perhaps you added a powerful quote and some branding onto the image, as well?

Here’s another benefit to leveraging virtual presentation photos for other online content.

When you share virtual photos during an era where virtual communication has become more commonplace, that creates a visual continuity between the way you show up in your online content, the way you build and maintain relationships with your clients, and the way in which you offer your expertise. 

That’s why these photos are valuable beyond selling your virtual presentations.  They visually punctuate the sentiment of the stories that you share.

Keep that in mind as you create new content during this time where being in front of and on screen is the primary source of connection and education.

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