
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

[INTERVIEW] Virtual photography enters the chat


What's the most effective way to promote virtual speaking services?


(Virtual photography enters the chat.)


Who knew the world would shape up the way it has just a couple months ago. 

And for speakers and trainers, their businesses have moved to a completely different sandbox from working their magic from the front of the room to a laptop screen.

And this change has ushered in a set of new rules of engagement with respect to appealing to meeting planners, bureaus and other decision makers trusted with hiring these folks to present their expertise to their audiences.

Enter virtual photography.

Recently, I sat down with speaker and trainer, Donna Hanson, to discuss the importance and value of presenting yourself as an online speaker in your image content. 

During our chat, we discussed several topics, including:

  • Why normal headshots aren’t enough to market your virtual services

  • Why screen grabs and cell phone snapshots of you on screen presenting virtually isn’t enough

  • What are the most common mistakes when hiring a virtual photographer

  • How virtual photography differs from a traditional in person session.

To listen in to our conversation, check out the following video:

(If your browser is not displaying the video, watch it here.)

It’s an interesting time, for sure. But I’m here to help.

For more information on what that helps look like, you can check it out here.