
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Intentional is the way


Believe it or not, there is an art to choosing the right photos for the stories you share online.

It’s not simply a matter of slapping on any photo you come across and calling it a day. The images you pair with your stories can significantly amplify or diminish their impact.

As an expert, every element of your online presence needs to be intentional, especially the visuals that accompany the stories you share.

Where do you begin?

First, consider the emotional sentiment of your story. What is the single word that encapsulates the emotion you are conveying? Inspiration? Challenge? Triumph? Introspection?

Identifying this emotion is pivotal. It sets the tone for the visual you need to choose.

Next, turn your attention to selecting the image.

As you do, ask yourself - does this story require a specific type of photo based on the location it was taken or the activity engaged in front of the camera to truly express its emotional tone?

Or, is the goal to simply complement the emotional tone?

This decision is more nuanced than it appears. It’s not just about what the image shows - it’s about what it evokes in relation to your story.

Based on this assessment, sift through your image content portfolio and look for the appropriate photo that resonates with the story’s emotional word.

This process is about being purposeful.

Rather than lazily picking the first image that catches your eye, take a moment to align the visual with the narrative. The right image can intensify the story’s message, making it more relatable and impactful to your audience.

As an expert building your online presence, remember that your stories and images are an extension of your professional brand.

Each post you create is an opportunity to reinforce your expertise and connect with your audience. So, be intentional with your image choices.

Let them not just be mere eye candy to your words, but empower them to amplify your stories, enhancing the emotional connection with your viewers and leaving a lasting impression that you may be, in fact, the solution to their problem.