
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

If THIS is the case, just use text instead...


Do you repeat the same photo over and over in your online content?


Here’s why you need to STOP doing that.


While cruising through my various social feeds, I’ve recently come across an ugly pattern that I’ve seen far too many experts have modeled in their online content. 

They’ll use 1 photo, could be a portrait or a shot of them on a stage, and then repeat that shot over and over and over again with different words, phrases and sentences on them. 

I refer to these text-on-image assets as quote posts. 

And they are important to share as they exhibit hallmarks of your framework of expertise. 

But here’s the problem:

Using the same photo on repeat in every post cheapens your brand. 


It’s repetitive, boring and opens up unnecessary questions…

…such as, “if this person is so successful, then why do they only have one photo?????”

Is it a fair assessment of the value you bring to those you serve? Of course it isn’t. 

But then again, perception is reality to those who don’t know you from a hole in the wall.

Once they’re introduced to your world and get a feel for who you are and how you can help them, that becomes a different ballgame. 

But when talking about your online content, you want to create as much visual variety as possible to entice people to click, read and follow through on the call-to-action. 

Get them interested enough to learn more. 

So, if you’re in a position where you feel like you only have ONE photo to use for your quote posts, DON’T USE IT. 

You’re better off simply posting the words, phrases and sentences by themselves on a designed background that compliments the font choice, sentiment of the words and your brand. 

But here’s the thing about that:

That gets pretty lame over time, too. 

Your people are not hiring a wall of words on your feed - they’re hiring YOU. 

Truth is, you need to be visually present in your feed as you’re the face of your business and brand. 

As a result, if you plan to leverage quote posts in your online content moving forward, invest in a portrait session that will create a mountain of options when putting together these specific pieces of online content. 

Create an opportunity to visually punctuate those words with visuals that compliment their emotional sentiment.

That will offer a more impactful piece of content and show off aspects of your personality to those who come across them online. 

And, through the use of a variety of images, that will keep people interested, entertained and looking to learn more about how you can help them get past what’s holding them back. 

For more visual storytelling strategies and insights for experts, I’ll talk your eyes off through my blog. Sign up to receive them directly in your inbox, and if you have any questions, set up a time to chat with me and then I’ll talk your ears off, too :)