
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Eliminate creative friction


In the world of experts who speak, write, coach, consult, and train, standing out is more than just a necessity—it's an art.

The challenge lies not just in being heard, but in capturing and maintaining the interest of your audience through your online content.

But here's a pain point many face: the arduous task of using tools like Canva, Photoshop, or other editing programs to artificially enhance visuals to add space for copy, text, logos, dynamic links, or buttons.

This process, while effective, can be time-consuming and cost-preventative.

Imagine, instead, photos created with this in mind.

Photos where the composition and design elements—using space and the people within it—are thoughtfully planned to provide you with a broader canvas for creative latitude.

This approach doesn't just save time and money - it elevates your visual storytelling.

By opting for photos that inherently include space for text and branding elements, you streamline your content creation process.

The result? Consistent, compelling visual assets that resonate with your audience.

This consideration for design within the photography process empowers your design team to focus on enhancing the narrative and emotional pull of your visuals rather than spending hours fitting text into an image not meant to hold it.

It allows for a seamless blend of imagery and message.

In essence, photos with built-in space for design enhancements address a significant pain point for experts in the digital realm.

It's a strategic approach that marries efficiency with impact, ensuring your visuals are not just seen but remembered and acted upon.

As you prepare your next photoshoot or evaluate your current image portfolio, consider the power of photos with inherent design elements.

They could very well be the key to creating more engaging, effective, and time-efficient visual content for your brand.