
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

What Black Friday and High-quality Visuals have in common


Black Friday – the rush, the preparation, the strategy – all strangely parallels the quest for high-quality, image content experts need for promoting themselves online.

Stick with me here.

When it comes to Black Friday shopping, prep is everything. People scour flyers, bookmark websites, and make game plans weeks in advance.

They know what they want, where to get it, and the value it will bring. They're not blindly walking into a store - they're precisely maneuvering through aisles with a clear goal in mind.

Similarly, when creating high-quality image content, a thought-out plan is pivotal.

It’s not about randomly clicking pictures and hoping some turn out good. It’s about knowing who you are, the message you want to convey, and who you want to reach. You have to identify the style, aesthetics and the emotional context that aligns with your brand.

On Black Friday, people wake up at the crack of dawn to secure their desired items, but they commit because they understand the value those discounted items will bring.

Much like the effort put into acquiring those Black Friday deals, creating high-quality visual assets might require stepping out of your comfort zone.

It entails long hours, outfit changes, and various locations.

But once you realize the value these assets add to your professional image, it becomes a worthy effort.

At the end of a successful Black Friday, customers walk away with high-quality items at a discounted price.

When you invest time and effort into a professional photoshoot, the result is a collection of high-quality images that enhance your online presence.

They're the tools you use to create an impactful first impression, convey your expertise, and attract potential clients.

While Black Friday shopping and creating high-quality image content may seem worlds apart, the underlying principles of preparation, commitment, and understanding value are identical.

They're both strategic investments that pay off in the long run.

On this Black Friday, as you're strategizing for those coveted deals, consider the same thoughtfulness and strategy for your professional image content.

It's a worthwhile investment :)