
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

The unseen value of an inquiry call


Embarking on investing in a branding session often begins with a clear vision — or so we think.

Yet, it's the open conversation during the initial inquiry call that unfolds the broader spectrum of possibilities we often overlook.

It's a pivotal moment that not only sets the tone for the project, but reveals the multifaceted needs of our visual asset portfolio.

As a result, being open-minded is key in these calls.

While the temptation to steer the conversation towards immediate visual needs is natural, embracing the photographer's expertise could unveil a wealth of opportunities…

…gaps in your visual strategy you hadn't considered.

Imagine you initiate the call with a single need in mind - a headshot or event coverage, for example - only to discover through the photographer's experience working with people just like you, they offer a wealth of other visual possibilities.

Suddenly, the conversation shifts from a narrow focus to a broad scope look at what needs to be in your image content portfolio.

Now, this conversation isn’t meant to pressure you into immediate action, but it does create awareness to make informed decisions down the line.

It's about cultivating a mindset of being more purposeful and intentional with your visual assets.

By allowing the photographer to guide you through the myriad ways visuals can enhance your message, you're not just planning for filling the short-term need.

No, you're ultimately preparing to create a customized, versatile, and dynamic image portfolio that will serve to position you as an authority across your entire online presence.

In essence, the inquiry call is more than a get to know them call - it’s a get to know YOU call.

It's where you understand that your needs go way beyond today, and that these images are an integral component to your marketing and messaging moving forward.

With the right photographer, this conversation ensures that when the time comes for a more significant investment, you're fully prepared to maximize that investment.