
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

“Are we aware of our own temperature?”


“Are we aware of our own temperature?”

I heard this phrase from speaker, Paul Epstein, during a recent podcast.

This metaphor deeply resonated with me the moment I heard it. While said in response to a question outside of branding photography, it immediately translated.

One of the key ingredients to the success of a branding session, or any time a camera is involved, is mindset.

Not just for the person in front of the camera, but the one BEHIND it, too.

We live such rapid lives with a lot of moving parts that it’s easy for us to simply get lost in the wash and allow the stress to stranglehold our attention and sabotage the present moment.

Definitely not a good thing when a camera is pointed squarely at your face.

It’s a recipe for cooling down the temperature of the room - and that could affect others in the process.

When that happens, the work suffers.


This could render the session useless because those bad vibes will be written all over your face. And who wants to use photos where you look disengaged, resentful and annoyed.

Do you see yourself using a headshot with a pissy-faced expression?

As a result, the next time you step in front of the camera, pause, breathe, and become aware of your own temperature in that moment.

If you’re feeling cold - distracted, angry, anxious or any of the other ehhh emotions that can ruin your time to shine - reframe your mindset and be grateful for the moment.

After all, the fact you’re investing in yourself by creating photo assets means that you’re being actionable towards properly introducing yourself to folks that desperately need your help in only the way that you can do it.

Allow yourself the gift of being fully present in this moment so that your photographer can capture the genuine you which provides your audience a chance to warm up to who you really are.

And not the person who, an hour ago, felt like they wanted to break some shit.

When you reframe your mindset, that’ll warm up the temperature of the room and everyone feels it.

This contributes to a magical session, which will benefit you by benefiting those you serve.