
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

[TESTIMONIAL] "John took the time to educate me..."


“I had the privilege of working with John for a photography session.

A few weeks prior, we had a strategy call so I already had an idea of what to expect which really set the stage so we could immediately get started once I arrived. One of the things I appreciated right off the bat, is that John had already scoped out the space, which was unfamiliar to me, to take advantage of interesting angles, seating areas, etc.

Coming into the session, I had pretty simple needs because as far as professional portraits go, I only had a handful of headshots to work with and while I love them, they were fairly limited in scope.

As we progressed through the shoot, John took the time to educate me about how we often don't look beyond our own personal appearances to realize the story our photos can share.

For example, I have a very expressive face, and as a speaker that face helps me engage deeper and form stronger connections to my audiences. (I'm NOT at all a poker player!)

This means my thinking face has forehead wrinkles, my smiling face makes crinkles at the corners of my eyes and they get a little squinty. AND this is what makes me really good at my job - because I am fully invested in delivering impact, connection and authenticity to my audiences. I am also clearly communicating - I am not made of plastic.

I shared with John that I'll be 50 years old this fall and he asked me "Isn't it time then to feel comfortable enough to be yourself in front of the camera?" Yes sir, it is time. Thank you!

While our session was only 60-minutes long, a couple days later, I had hundreds of photos that show me, being me. I am thrilled with the results and excited to dig into the stories each one of them will help me tell.

I look forward to working with John again and suggest you reach out to him today to set up a call so you can experience what I did and start appreciating exactly who you already are!”

Thank you, Gina, for being so open to the process of creating magic together - and being, well, you :)

If you’re looking to update your image portfolio and want to be seen by those you serve for exactly who you are, reach out to chat and let’s see if we’re a fit to work together.