
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

It's not life or's just photos!


For one reason or another, many experts approach their upcoming portrait session as if they’re attending a funeral. 

It’s filled with dread. 

Now, I understand this sentiment based on my own past struggles with pictures. 

But, as I later realized, this is simply the story you tell yourself. And stories can be re-written the moment you decide to flip the script.

Rather than view a session as a funeral, what if you lost your mind for a second and reframed the entire experience as a CELEBRATORY moment?


Well, you’ve dedicated your life in service of others to help them get past what’s holding them back with your special blend of expertise, whether it’s with their career, business or lifestyle. 

And, you’re looking to serve more people, so you need to spread the word online. 

Part of the process of creating more visibility involves sharing visual assets that support and enhance this perception of expertise in the minds of those who could benefit from your help. 

Rather than go the DIY route by using smartphone self-portraits or asking your photo hobbyist nephew with the fancy camera to snap a couple shots of you wearing a stage outfit, you, instead, opted to invest in hiring a professional photographer who specializes in photographing experts just like you. 

Quite frankly, not everyone in the expert community is in a position to do this. 

But you are. 

And when these photos have lived past their shelf-life, you have the opportunity to refresh them at any time you need to without any hesitation,whether it’s because you’ve updated your look, or, you’ve created new ways to serve your people through updated or brand new products and services and need to show them what they look like. 

In either case, you’re in a good place in your business and life where you can afford to and have a good reason to acquire the assets you need to spread the word. 

I don’t know about you, but, to me, that’s a good cause for celebration!

As my colleague, Phil Jones, says, “When you change your words, you change your world.” 

Change the story you tell yourself the next time you gear up for a fresh round of photos and see the difference in the overall experience.