
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

The bare minimum isn't going to cut it...


“...I only need 3-5 photos, and I’ll have enough to share online.”

I’ve heard this statement many times in conversation with expert-based business owners. 

Here’s what’s WRONG with it. 

If you’re looking to position yourself as the go-to authority in your space of expertise, and look to charge premium rates, you need to LOOK LIKE AN AUTHORITY. 

And 3-5 photos, regardless of how beautiful they are, simply isn’t going to cut it

Put yourself in the shoes of those qualifying whether or not your products and services are the answer they’re looking for. 

When they visit your website, read your newsletter, look at your online content and search for you on Google, they constantly run into the same photos over and over again. 

So what?

On the surface, your online presence looks like it was put together with bare minimum effort.

It’s not visually dynamic and compelling, and does little to draw them in closer to see how you can help them. 

So, you’re positioning yourself as a well drink and not a top shelf selection. 

When you do that, that opens up doubt in the minds of potential clients as to whether you’re worth the premium investment. 

“But I have 27 letters of accreditations listed next to my name on my LinkedIn profile?”

Doesn’t matter. 

First impressions do. 

When a potential client sniffs around all of your digital touchpoints and feels unimpressed at the way you position yourself visually, it’s game over and they’re moving on. 

And that’s a shame based on how much you love to serve and the massive amount of experience you have in transforming the lives of people just like them. 

But it’s on YOU to provide them the inspiration to want to learn more about how you can help get them past what’s holding them back. 

You achieve this by visually punctuating the sentiment of every story you share online with HIGH-QUALITY, COMPELLING and DIVERSE imagery that reveals who you are, who you serve, the problems you solve and how.

When you intentionally compliment your words with premium-quality visuals on repeat, you’ll create an impression in their minds that you’re worth every penny you charge.

It’s that simple.