
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Branded materials? Get them photographed...


Do you have branded materials? 

If so, have them photographed in order to add unique visual assets for your image portfolio. 

During a recent Phil Jones Exactly What To Say Certification training, he asked if I could snap some photos of the certificates given to participants upon completion of the 2-day event. 

While I’ve photographed a wide variety of branded items in the past for him, certificates were a new one for me. 

So, I grabbed the stack, headed into an empty room, and initially laid them out on the table without much rhyme or reason. 

Before I started firing away, I marinated for a second and created a game plan. 

I noticed on each certificate that, excluding the participant’s names, there are 3 primary visual elements:

  • The EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY text up top


  • Phil’s signature 

I decided to create an array of visual assets that highlight those elements from wide, medium and close-up.

I spent some time shuffling the certificates around, layering them on top of each other, as well as lining them up side-by-side. This would provide a chance to capture the elements in unique ways from shot-to-shot. 

After all, whether the photos are of people, places or things, the goal is ALWAYS to create as much visual variety from one image to the next.

Once I had a plan, I started firing away.

In the end, I was able to create several dozen images that showcase the branded elements, as well as Phil’s signature.

While I would never expect all of them to be used, the benefit of having these assets on hand is that it provides Phil’s team a variety of creative alternatives to simply using the digital versions of the EWTS title and Certification logos in his marketing and promotional assets. 

That includes visuals for his website, landing pages, online content, .pdf’s, printed materials and other marketing needs. 

During your next photoshoot, be sure to bring branded materials to the session to offer your team more creative latitude when putting together marketing materials.

It’ll add another high-quality, visual wrinkle that only serves to increase your perception of value in the minds of those you serve.