
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

What's your 2020 look like?


Last licks for 2019, folks!


What’s your 2020 look like?


As we round third and head for home on 2019, how did you make out this year?

Was it everything you hoped for? 

Did the lows outweigh the highs?

Did you business grow exponentially? Or was it a year that involved a long plateau?

Regardless how your year panned out, take some time over the next couple days to re-evaluate and reassess what happened.

Be grateful that you’re alive and breathing for another year. That means you have a fresh 365 days to live a fulfilling life, help those who need you most, and kick some ass!

Rather than buy into the resolution horseshit people preach from the mountaintops this time of year, create a REAL list of objectives and goals you seek to reach in the new year. Think about how you plan to execute and achieve these goals. 

That’s the ONLY way to create real and permanent change, folks. 

As much as we’d love to find an alternative, there is, unfortunately, no substitute for doing the work…

...unless you hit the lottery, or some other magically impossible shit that doesn’t happen to 99.999999% of the population. 

You know, though - it’s the work that allows us to truly appreciate and savor our victories. Being handed the keys to the condo for free isn’t as awesome as earning it. 

So, once you’re done going down memory lane with 2019, spend some time writing down at least 4 goals you want to achieve in your business and 4 goals you want to achieve in your life. 

Why 4? I dunno - it sounded cool so I’m going with it. 

Actually, I do have a legitimate reason for 4. 

There’s 4 quarters in the year, so you can space out these objectives over the year, 1 per quarter,  and not make the mistake of overwhelming yourself on January 1 with a laundry list of to-do’s.

Make these goals meaningful and significant to you, those you serve and those you love.

I wish you nothing but success, health, and happiness in 2020.

Let’s make it a magical one, together, :)


PS - if you’d like to start the new year off right, how about you sign up for my email list so I can share strategy, advice and tips on how to leverage your image content portfolio to gain the attention of those you serve? You can do so here.