
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Writing is my catharsis


Writing is my catharsis…

nyc branded lifestyle portrait Randy Owens taking notes

I see it as a source of strength.


Writing out my thoughts is a celebration that I am privileged to share with those that I serve in order to help them get past their lack of knowledge and/or limiting beliefs regarding visual images.

It’s my opportunity to experiment, play and ultimately, create methodologies for demystifying the content creation process.

It’s a space for me to continuously develop ideas that help move the needle with those who need to hear it most.

There is no one else over my shoulder, critiquing my work, analyzing sentence structure and thought development - it’s just me, a laptop, and all of the conversations that I’ve had with my clients and colleagues.

And I prefer it that way, :)

The process of being able to sit down and connect the dots between my client’s pain points, how we solved them, and how to translate that experience for others to learn from in an informative and inspiring way is quite a fulfilling process.

Quite frankly, it’s magical and a gift that I am eternally grateful for discovering.

But, it doesn’t happen because I simply hoped and wished that it would happen.

It takes work.

Writing in your own voice is an arduous process that works itself over time, once you make the conscious decision to commit the process.

You need to be stubborn about it, and know that not everything you write is going to be a home run, and still be okay with that because you understand that regardless of the level of scholarship behind it, that piece you wrote will undoubtedly resonate with members of your audience.

As a result, you must be willing to step outside your comfort zone.

You must also learn how to frame your writing in a way that masterfully straddles the balance between being a superhero who solves problems and a living, breathing human being that missteps and falls down in order to be relatable to those you serve.

If you just post content where you look like the know-it-all savant in your space, that will intimidate some people in your audience to never pick up the phone and call you.

I know this because I’ve been alerted to this issue with some of my earlier writing.

In addition, you must be willing to be consistent with your efforts and understand that if you fail to do so, their trust in your abilities will wash away and they’ll seek others for help the moment you become spotty with posting schedule.

Long story short, developing compelling content that serves to benefit your audience takes as much of a commitment as it does to running your business as a whole.  

It’s another task with which to complete, but, it’s a worthwhile one that helps foster a community of those who seek you out to help them be better than they were yesterday.

So, it totally worth it for everyone involved, :)

How do you view your writing?

Need help with generating the ideas behind those thoughts? I can certainly help you with that.

Set up a call with me and let’s talk about how I can help.

PS - For those of you who aren’t in the know, I mail out these blogs 3x a week, and lemme tell you, they’re a real party, so, if you’d like to get in on this, sign up for it here and I’ll throw in a free gift for you, because I care, :)