
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

[VIDEO] Here's how the sausage is made for my clients


Having great photos is not enough to gain the attention of those you serve.

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It’s also important to have the “moving pictures” too - :)


I talk a lot about showing your processes to your audience through your image content. 

Another effective and persuasive way to do that is through video content. Moving visuals capture people’s attention in ways that photos and video cannot. 

That’s why it’s an effective strategy to play with both modes of content creation. 

So, recently I decided to bite the bullet and invest in putting together the following promotional clip. 

Naturally, I went into the project kicking and screaming.


Because it’s a lot of fucking work, that’s why! :)

I’ll be honest - I still have the burnout hangover when it comes to creating any type of video beyond a simple direct address to camera for my blog content. 

For this piece, I had to actually dust off the producing and editing skills and really get in the weeds. 

But fortunately, I got several helping hands. 

First, my clients, Seema and Shir, who were both excellent not only in sharing their thoughts and experience on camera, but also delivering the goods during their virtual and branded lifestyle portrait sessions, respectively.

And also, my videographer, Elliott, who captured magically all of the BROLL footage seen throughout the video. It was a pleasure to work with someone who’s passionate about what he does behind a camera

This video will permanently live on my website Services Page, but to save you the commute, here is the clip:

(if you cannot see the video thumbnail, you can watch it here)

So, what are your takeaways from this video? Let me know in the comment section below.

Also, when you watch this video, is the little voice inside your head telling you that you want one of these sessions, as well?

If so, let’s talk. 

I still have a handful of open slots to book in December and would love to hear from you. What better way to enhance your marketing strategy for a powerful 2021 than with a fresh round of branded lifestyle portraits or virtual photos? 

I’ll be closing the door on my 2020 bookings in the next week, so if you’re interested in putting your best foot forward for next year, set up a time to chat with me and let’s see if we’re a fit to work together.