
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

The power of close-ups of you on stage


You’ve seen it before – a social media banner showcasing a wide shot of a speaker in front of an audience:

Whether taken from the back of the house or from the back of the speaker, a large audience is witnessing them commanding the moment. 

Impressive? It fills those pixels quite nicely. But, is there a better alternative?

A close-up of you, in the heat of your keynote, lost in the power of your message, connecting emotionally with every syllable. Ever thought about using that as your banner?

Here’s the thing - those wide shots of massive audiences are great. They show scale, they show your experience in front of a big crowd.

But sometimes, they might feel like the wrong fit for your ideal clients based on their event.

Could those grand scenes possibly overshadow the intimate, personal connection you create with your audience?

The big picture is more than just the number of seats filled. It's about the emotional journey you take your audience on.

It’s the intensity in your eyes, the passion in your gestures, the conviction in your voice. This is what truly captures the essence of your keynote.

Your goal with the banner photo?

Get people in charge of hiring people like you intrigued enough to spark curiosity. Inspire them to make the next step - watching your video content and speaker reel.

Your wide shots in front of vast audiences and other live event images – they all play their part in the decision making.

But a close-up? That’s your emotional hook.

Imagine a photo of you, mid-speech, eyes filled with passion and complemented by dynamic and animated body language. That’s powerful. That's a moment.

It’s you, distilled into a single, captivating frame.

You're not just a speaker - you're a catalyst for change. Every aspect of your online presence needs to reflect that.

A close-up for your banner isn't just a photo - it's a statement. It shows event producers what it looks like to be in the room when you’re delivering at 100%.

Next time you’re choosing a new banner image, think - does this image make someone feel something? Does it draw them into my world?

If not, maybe it’s time to think more closely.