
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

It's a marketing conversation...


Strategizing with your photographer before a session might appear on the surface as a purely aesthetic conversation.

You might find yourself focusing on the wardrobe and location, but here's the thing - it's not merely a photography conversation…

It's a marketing conversation.

And it's crucial to see it through that lens, especially for speakers, authors, trainers, coaches and consultants.


Marketing is about communicating value to your audience. It's about illustrating the challenges you solve for those you serve. And, it’s not enough to tell them how you do it, you show them through photos.

When you consider photography from a marketing perspective, you start thinking about the end use of each image.

Where will these images appear?

On your website home page? In your next ebook? As part of a conference brochure and other printed materials? Social content?

Keeping the end use in mind from the very beginning of the conversation you have with your photographer informs everything about the session:

  • Outfits

  • Locations

  • The activities in which you’re engaged in front of the camera.

  • The emotional sentiments conveyed in the images within the portfolio

This perspective also makes you more purposeful in your preparation for the session. Knowing that each shot has a defined purpose saves time, effort and resources.

It helps you and your photographer plan effectively, ensuring that the session yields results that meet your marketing objectives.

So, remember, when you're strategizing with your photographer, frame your conversation around marketing, not simply making sure you look good in front of the camera.

Ask yourself, how will this photo communicate my unique magic to my audience? How will it serve my marketing needs?

When you approach photography from this standpoint, you ensure every image captured is purposeful, relevant, and aligned with your brand's narrative.

Your photography session is more than just an opportunity to create beautiful images - that’s the PREREQUISITE, not the GOAL.

The goal is to create image content that can be seamlessly plugged into your promotional and marketing projects.

Approach this opportunity wisely.