
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Prep for '24: Group training shots good-to-go?


As we inch closer to 2024, experts leading group trainings must recognize that visual storytelling is pivotal.

Your audience isn't just joining a session; they're investing in an experience of collective growth, engagement, and transformation.

The imagery you utilize plays an essential role in encapsulating the essence of these trainings and persuading potential clients of the value you bring.

But does your current portfolio measure up?

Begin by asking yourself these questions:

📓Do your images showcase the different rooms in which you facilitate these trainings? Boardroom? Room of rounds? Whiteboard/flipchart in front of long tables?

📓Are there photos of you from a variety of vantage points leading the facilitation with various emotions expressed through your body language and facial expression?

📓Are participants actively engaged in the photos? Can you spot them listening intently, jotting down notes, asking insightful questions, or sparking conversations with their peers?

📓Do your visuals go beyond the primary training? For instance, are there shots of networking breaks, luncheon engagements, or unique dinner activities that emphasize the experience?

📓Have you highlighted the materials that facilitate the learning process? Photos of workbooks, notebooks, and other related tools can underscore the depth and structure of your sessions.

And, do you have images of participants engaging with these materials?

📓Does your branding shine through in the imagery? Whether it's logos emblazoned on banners or promotional items like pens and bags, these touches can reinforce your professional identity and offer you additional visuals to promote the next training.

The goal is to ensure your photos aren't merely snapshots but an engaging look into what it’s like to learn from you in this environment.

They should depict diversity, spotlight hands-on activities, and freeze those invaluable 'aha' moments in time.

As you gear up for 2024, critically evaluate your current visual portfolio. If they lean towards the static or lackluster side, it might be time for a refresh.

Ensure your group training visuals not only inform but also inspire and persuade.