
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Prep for '24: Are your keynote shots keynote-ey enough?


When someone stumbles upon your business, they're not just buying into your services, they're investing in the experience you offer.

When someone stumbles upon your business, they're not just buying into your services, they're investing in the experience you offer.

In addition to the various coaching and training services you offer, this also applies to the work you do from the stage as a keynoter.

As we approach 2024, it's essential that the visuals that catch you in the act of presenting accurately and compellingly reflect the experience attendees can expect. These images are important assets to gain the attention of event professionals looking to book experts just like you.

So, how do you ensure that your imagery remains fresh and relevant? Here are some questions to ponder when evaluating the photos associated with your signature keynotes:

🎙️Do your photos visually represent the types of rooms in which you speak?

🎙️Do you have images of pre-speech prep: tech checks, getting mic’ed up, or reviewing your notes or slides?

🎙️Are there photos of candid moments with AV teams that showcase collaboration?

🎙️Is there a mix of wide shots capturing audience size and scale and close-ups of you passionately delivering your talk?

🎙️Props - if applicable, do you have images engaging with them on stage?

🎙️Do your visuals capture audience reactions, from applause to deep contemplation, emphasizing the impact of your words?

🎙️If you jump off stage and interact with participants, is that reflected in your image portfolio

🎙️If you involve the attendees, are there images of these interactions - group exercises, 1:1 role-plays, or on-stage interactions?

🎙️Post-presentation, do you have shots signing books or engaging in deep conversations with participants?

The ideal imagery should amplify your keynote prowess by being captured on a variety of appropriately sized stages and rooms AND in different outfits.

In gearing up for 2024, critically evaluate your keynote visuals. If they don't resonate with the dynamic progression of your keynote journey, perhaps it's time for a revamp.