
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

[VIDEO] Wanna see what a magical portrait session looks like?


Wanna see what a magical portrait session looks like?


We got some behind the scenes footage for you to check out!


Normally, I'm reluctant to dive into many video projects these days.

Burned out from many years working in television, I find it hard to muster the energy to put forth to create the type of videos I used to create. 

Ultimately I understand the value of the work, so I do it.

But recently, I worked on a piece that reminded me why I was a television producer way before I was a photographer.

In this case, I was handed some beautiful footage, so the hard part was taken care of already.

During my branded lifestyle portrait session with speaker, author, consultant, and magical human being, Jess Pettitt, she invited her friend and videographer, Matt Bauer, to document the event.

One of the hallmarks of a good person behind the camera, whether video or photo,  is to capture compelling and versatile coverage of the moment while never being in the way of what’s happening in front of their cameras.

And that's exactly how Matt operated.

I watched a raw highlight clip of what he recorded for the first time at the bar, and I instantly knew I had some fun stuff to play with.The footage captured was awesome and inspired me to want to do something with it.

This video represents my doing something with it, 😊.

(If you’re browser is not displaying the video, click here to watch it)

Watching the footage reminded me why I walked away from a lucrative TV Producer job and jumped into something that I knew nothing about - running a business.

All I knew is that I just wanted a chance to take the fuckin' pictures.

It reminds of what brings me the most joy in my life - serving amazing people who help others with a camera in my hand.

Thank you, Matt, for the lovely gift, :) 
