
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Get your book ready for it's closeup!


Get your book ready for it's closeup!

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It’ll help you create content that will resonate with your audience.


One of the many reasons why clients hire me to work with them on updating their image content portfolio is because they are about to publish a book and need an online presence that helps create visibility for this book.

My first client on which I based my niche had this very specific need.

It’s why I stress during the pre-session strategy call that the book be included in some way, shape or form into their image content portfolios.

But, I don’t simply mean to get some pretty photos of the covers and call it a day. 

Sure, the cover is a big deal - but it’s not the only deal. 

There are other ways to create image assets from your book that go far beyond simply having the cover photographed. 

Several months back, I worked with a client, Melanie, who was about to launch her book, The Content Fuel Framework. It’s a book that offers her unique approach to creating relevant and memorable online content. 

In addition to discussing a wide variety of lifestyle portraits and headshots, we also talked about how to generate visual storytelling assets from the book that she can use to promote it.

I asked her, “what paragraphs, chapter titles, or anything else in the book is significant enough to capture so you can easily leverage these photos?”

After chatting more about it, we decided to individually capture each piece of the framework she maps out through the book. 

Of course, she could simply copy/paste passages of her book into a text-only image, and elaborate on that thought in the caption. 

But, one of the benefits of capturing an actual book with words on the page is that it provides your audience an opportunity to envision themselves reading the book. 

Showing two hands holding a book open while being read offers a more tangible experience for them to engage - a more visually persuasive approach.

The two hands holding the book open also is important because it was just Melanie and I on this shoot, and capturing the author reading her book would’ve been weird and lame at the same time.

And maybe a touch narcissistic, but who the hell knows, right? 

Either way, I avoided it, and on the day of the session, we set out to capture each piece of her content framework (which also doubled as separate chapters). Here are some of the images we captured:

If you notice, each shot is slightly different than the last. 


Well, creating a little variety from chapter to chapter was important to keep the photos fresh and interesting. If they all were captured from the same angle, with the same type of lighting, with the same background elements in the shot, that would be predictable and boring as hell.

And that would defeat the purpose of capturing these photos in the first place. 

The more visual variety you can inject into this aspect of your portrait session - as well as the rest of your portrait session - the more effective they will be at drawing attention from those you serve through your online touch points.

When it comes to inspiring your audience to want to get to know you more, everything matters - the stories you share, the places you share them, and the way you visually punctuate them with portraits and other image content from your library. 

Turning to you…

Do you have a book coming out in the next couple months and are in need of compelling and persuasive image content that helps draw attention from those you serve?

I can help you with that, :)

As I mentioned on Monday, I’ve created a special offer for subscribers related to my Persuasive Expert Photo Program.

Rather than committing to the full 12-months (valued between $12-24,000 annually) , you have the opportunity to book it for 3 months for $3,000!

Included in this special offer:

  • A Laying the Foundation Call - create the roadmap for the types of photos you need to execute your 2021 marketing and promotion strategy

  • A website and social image audit - we’ll hop on a call and assess what images need to be captured to improve the way you present yourself visually through your various touch points

  • Up to 4 in-person portrait sessions (up to 2-hours per session)

  • And 1 virtual photo session - staged or live event

It’s a unique opportunity for you to capture all of the content you need to not only promote your book, but also set yourself up for a powerful 2021.

There’s only a few slots left, so if you’re interested, email me at with the subject line “3 MONTHS” and we’ll schedule a call to book your session and work out details.