
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

I am my brand...


During every single strategy call I conduct, regardless of what the session is about, I always start the call with the same question:

Why do you need photos?

It’s a simple question that often leads to a wide variety of answers.

During a recent strategy session with a portrait client, his answer was:

“I want to embrace the fact that I need to be at the forefront of my brand. I want my prospects to see on my website the person who is behind their transformation.”

A great reason to invest in new portraits, especially taking into account that, up until this point, the majority of the photos that he uses are stock photos.

While stock photos help to solve the initial problem of adding visual imagery to an otherwise copy-heavy website, it, nonetheless, creates another problem.

There is no YOU on your website.

While this might not be your intent, it feels as though you’re hiding something.

And that is definitely not the impression that you want to make on prospective clients who are qualifying whether or not you’re the solution to their problem.

As a result, if you’re in the business of building trust and connection with those you serve, don’t simply slap a couple stock images that kinda, sorta represent who you are…

…Show them EXACTLY who you are by posting high-quality photos that illustrate aspects of your personality.

After all, nothing beats the real thing :)