
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

What's right with the photo?


When reviewing the photos in your image portfolio…


This one mental reframe can make the difference in how you shape your opinion of them.


While every expert that sets foot in front of my camera is different, the way they judge the value of their photos is exactly the same. 

They default to pointing out everything they HATE in the picture. 

  • Ugh, I look fat…

  • Can’t stand my right eye…

  • My nose looks huge…

  • That shirt looks too sloppy…

  • My hair is all over the place…

And on..and on…and on until the review session is over. 

And, quite frankly, I get it. 

You know the things that bother you about your appearance, and, anytime that a photo is captured, you zero in on those aspects to qualify whether they pass muster or not. 

To a certain extent, we all do - I certainly do. 

But, when it comes to branded lifestyle portraits, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts as these images are used for purposes beyond your own vanity issues…

…vanity issues that 9.9 out of 10 people would never care to notice because they’re not judging you based on your appearance.

They’re qualifying whether or not they want to learn more about how you can help solve their problems. 

Long story short, your photos are more about THEM, and not YOU. 

As a result, when critically reviewing your photos, a simple mindset shift is needed in order to properly audit the images. 

Instead of leading with the default, what’s wrong with this picture, what if you started the process with a what’s RIGHT with this picture approach?

Rather than shitting all over the photo within the first 1.4 seconds of opening the file, spend that time identifying the emotional sentiment in the image created by your body language and facial expression and brainstorm how that unique presentation can best be leveraged throughout your online presence.

Take note the artistry and aesthetics and how it all was captured and framed in a way that draws more attention to the star of the shot - YOU. 

Think about the overall value that this particular image holds when considering how your team can leverage it for a specific marketing and promotional project. 

Appreciate the fact that you’re in a position that requires you to even invest in a session like this in the first place!

When you lead with what’s going right in the photo, that changes the way you look at yourself in these images. 

You allow space to say to yourself, sure, this one little thing that no one else cares about bothers me to no end, but ultimately, the image is an important visual asset that adds massive value to my marketing efforts…

…and it’s a wonderful way to introduce myself to those who enter my world online.

I guess what I’m really saying here, folks, is that you need to take it easy on yourself when reviewing the results of your sessions. 

Change that inner monologue to one that gives you the benefit of the doubt so that you can compartmentalize your personal feelings surrounding the photos and think more strategically as an expert based business owner looking to put their best foot forward at drawing in a community of those who need your help most. 

Is it always an easy breezy process? Nope. 

My perceived physical flaws still float in my mind from time to time when thumbing through my portraits to use for my online content. 

But ultimately, I know these photos carry value beyond my own feelings, so I focus on what’s right and let the BS in my head melt away…and hit POST every single time.

Be mindful of this the next time you receive your portrait session photos. 

Cut off the what’s wrong… voice in your mind before you give it a chance to gain a head of steam and watch how differently you see yourself in these images. 

For more visual storytelling strategies and insights for experts, I’ll talk your eyes off through my blog. Sign up to receive them directly in your inbox, and if you have any questions, set up a time to chat with me and then I’ll talk your ears off, too :)