
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Don't be flaky - it'll bite you in the a**


How do you establish rapport with your audience without ever meeting them in person?

The solution lies in the power of consistently sharing content online – a strategy that, when executed well, can build trust, establish authority, and foster a connection that isn’t reliant upon an in-person handshake and smile.

But, in order for this approach to develop relationships with those you serve, the key is to determine the frequency of your messaging.

Consistency matters. A lot.

However, consistency isn’t just about sticking to a content calendar.

It’s about consistently presenting a facet of your personality and expertise that resonates with your audience. Each piece of content you share contributes to a larger story about who you are, who you serve, the problems you solve and how you solve those problems.

This narrative builds an image in the minds of your audience, an image that they come to trust and rely upon.

But what happens when you start slipping and miss a day here and a week there?

Infrequent posting or erratic shifts in the tone of your content can lead to problems.

Like an erosion of trust, for example.

Your audience might start to question your reliability, and by extension, your ability to help solve their problems. In an already noisy world of online content, out of sight often means out of mind.

To truly establish a rapport with your audience online, you must not only be present, but also be predictably reliable in what you present.

This reliability becomes the foundation of the virtual relationship you build with your audience. It fosters trust and familiarity, making your audience feel like they know you, even if you've never met in real life.

At the end of the day, establishing rapport online is a nuanced art.

It requires thoughtful consideration of what you share, how often you share it, and the consistency in your messaging.

By doing so, you create a virtual presence that is as compelling and trustworthy as your physical one, allowing you to connect with and impact your audience, no matter where they are.

And that connection and impact, over time, will lead them down the path of hiring you to help them transform their lives for the better.