
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Be a 1 of 1


Over the years, I’ve had countless strategy calls with clients eager to replicate the visual storytelling style of those they admire.

They talk about emulating the locations, body language, and facial expressions of their role models.

It's natural to draw inspiration from those who are seen as rock stars in their space, but there’s an even better approach to compelling visual storytelling:

Be a 1 of 1.

You're not them.

You are your own person, with a unique blend of experiences and tastes that make you distinct.

Attempting to replicate someone else's style is like wearing clothes that don’t fit. It's uncomfortable, and people can tell.

I encourage clients to embrace and lean into what makes them, THEM.

Your potential clients aren't looking to hire a carbon copy of someone else; they’re interested in you.

What they want is to understand who you are, who you serve, the specific problems you solve, and how you solve them. This is where your power lies.

Your candid portraits are a reflection of your unique journey. It needs to showcase your genuine self, not a version of someone else.

When we work together on your photo session, we aim to capture genuine expressions, natural body language, and the environments that resonate with YOUR personal story.

Remember, in a world full of duplicates, originality stands out.

Your authenticity is what will attract your ideal clients, those who resonate with your message and your approach.

Focus on highlighting what makes you unique, the one-of-a-kind qualities that set you apart.

Think about the aspects of your personality and expertise that you want to shine through.

Visually illustrate your unique approach to solving your clients' problems. That's how you create images that don’t just show your face but tell your story – a story only you can tell.

Be a 1 of 1, because that’s what the world, and your clients, need.